Phone: 716.525.1001


Q: Does it matter what side is up or down?

A: No, both sides of PAPYROS perform relatively the same.

Q: Does Papyros shrink?

A: Yes, Papyros Kiln Liner will shrink slightly in size. Therefore, it is recommended that the paper is cut 1/8” (3mm) larger than glass piece

Q: Do the edges of PAPYROS curl during firing?

A: No. All of our testing yielded the same results- PAPYROS stayed flat on the kiln shelf, even when fusing a circular project on a square sheet; we experienced no instance where the edges curled up.

Q: Does PAPYROS work with any COE family and any glass?

A: We have tested several fusing glass options and all have yielded similar results. Remember that imperfections on the kiln shelf transfer through kiln shelf papers, so keep your shelves free of dings, dents and debris.

Q: Can I re-use PAPYROS for a second firing?

A: If the fused projects are lifted carefully off of the kiln shelf without damaging the paper, PAPYROS can often yield multiple firings. Transparent glasses yield the best results in re-using PAPYROS while opal glasses are more reluctant to peel pack without pulling up the paper. A project’s design, along with the firing schedule used can also impact how many firings you can get from a single piece, for instance lower temperature firings i.e., tack fuse schedules generally yield better results than full fuse schedules due to expansion or contraction. A good rule of thumb is if there is a tear or hole in the sheet, then you will need to use a new sheet for your next project.

Q: How do I clean-up PAPYROS after firing?

A: When you’ve decided that you’re ready for a new piece of PAPYROS, the easiest ways to dispose of it are listed below.

  • “Fold-over” the sheet of expired PAPYROS into a small stacked piece using a studio dedicated spatula (reminiscent of making a crepe fold over) and lower it into a small trash basket, then close lid.
  • Vacuum using a shop-vac equipped with a HEPA filter

Minimizing Dust in Your Studio: If using a Shop Vac, ensure that your HEPA filters are changed on a regular basis so vacuum functions correctly. When using a trash basket, be sure to empty into are receptacle with a fitted lid that is lined with a plastic bag and is used exclusively for kiln shelf paper disposal. Empty trash bag on a regular basis.

IMPORTANT: Remember to always wear respiratory protection whether using slide-away, fold-up, or vacuum method to discard of used PAPYROS.

Q: Is PAPYROS safe to use?

A: Just as with any ceramic fiber based product, common sense safety practices should always be followed carefully. Remember the following basic steps, and precautions recommended. Keeping your kiln room cleanliness is always recommended. When working with PAPYROS always:

  • Wear gloves when handling
  • Avoid breathing residual dust when cutting pre-fused PAPYROS, or cleaning post-fired PAPYROS from kiln shelves
  • Wear a respirator that is NIOSH-approved for dusts
  • Wear safety glasses with side shields.

Q: Will Papyros Kiln Liner work with opalescent glass?

A: For best results use a clear layer of glass between Papyros kiln liner and the opalescent glass. If clear glass is not used, there may be a slight white and hazy appearance on the underside of the glass, especially if using dark colored glass.